diaspora | Migration ⇄ LV


Survey launched to study remote working among Latvians living abroad and return migrants

Restrictions caused by the pandemic have sped up digitalisation processes worldwide and have led to companies and institutions wholly or partly shifting to remote working. Migration researchers at the University of Latvia launched a study with the aim to identify incentives that the government can utilise for Latvia to become a choice for remote working for members of the diaspora and return migrants, as well as to evaluate the main obstacles and necessary adjustments that need to be made to taxation, social support, labour market regulation and in other areas.

University of Latvia survey provides opportunity to express views on diaspora camps and summer high schools for those living outside Latvia

Youth who are 16–30 years old, as well as parents whose children have participated or could possibly participate in camps and summer high schools for diaspora children and youth are invited to fill out the survey.

Seminar: Educational reintegration and the psychosocial wellbeing of returnee children

April 7 at 17:00 we invite you to participate in Daina Grosa's seminar «Educational reintegration and the psychosocial wellbeing of returnee children: evidence from Latvia».